skate journal: louisville tech with a big crew (nov 12, 2016 day 317)

@nolancormier Saturday fun

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Nolan and I rolled out to the Lville tech center to meet Fuzz, Carleigh and Rob. Which turned into a carload with Fuzz and then eventually another carload with Hayden to pick up boards for me. Nolan and I started on the wallride/manual side. We tried to do cali grind to manual to cali grind. After a bit of messing around I got upset about bailing a dork trick and took off to the little bank that Nolan noseblunts in the clip above. Nolan joined after awhile. We goofed around. He did noseblunts. I did bad back tails. I also slammed on a kickflip into the tiny bank. Everyone else joined us. Some goofing around was had. Then we ended up at another spot. Tricks up a curb, into a little downhill. Or ollie up a ledge to quick wallride. Kevin and I were going for flip up kickfilp off(me) or nollie flip off (Kevin). Fuzz and Nolan did some good wallrides to fakie. Then the Fort Collins dudes showed and they had a rub brick and a bump to ledge session ensued. It was a sick ledge. Kevin killed it. 50s, front nosegrind, front tail, back tail. I got some weak noseslides. Carliegh was locking in, but had to leave. Nutter charged it hard. Hayden made it look easy. Bo was gonna film Hayden. Then we got the boot. Some more goofing around was had at the original wallride spot. Nolan did the shit flip to manual. Hayden wallride. Nutter slammed but was unscathed. Then we went out and had some food. It was good.

(setup 8.125 null message deck, venture 5.2 low custom hollow trucks with 3 washers inside each axle, stock thunder bushings, 50mm bones stf v1 wheels, swiss bearings, new balance numeric pj stratford 533 navy shoes 12)