skate journal: campus blah (may 9, 2017)

I’m always tired after work anymore. Today was no exception. On a cloudy and perfect night I forced myself to go to campus even though I wasn’t motivated and my knees hurt. I started out with some slappy crooks. I got quite a few that weren’t posted up very well. I was starting to not like how tight my trucks felt with the harder indy bushings either. After getting one slappy crooks I moved on to the two stair area I like. But someone was sitting there doing homework or studying for a final so I moved on. I posed some back 180s up a curb and wanted to ollie down a 3 stair, but there was a bunch of construction going on. I ended up at the little yellow ledge where I totally sucked. I got some front 50s and nothing else. I was having seriously mental motivation issue. When my legs hurt I should probably not skate, because it really takes me down. But I got a little motivation going. I was doing little dork plants off a nearby ledge, 180s, trying switch front crooks, got a couple kickflips and couldn’t commit to a treflip. Back 50s were scary. I only really committed to a couple of them and it bummed me out. Almost got some nollie front lipslides, backside hurricane, front tail. I took a few tries to ollie off this ledge. I was scared just standing on it. Ugh. I bailed more ledge tricks for awhile then I walked/rolled back to the car feeling really bummed out.

(setup 8.125 null inspiration deck, venture 5.2 low awake trucks, 1/16″ risers, stock indy bushings, swiss bearings, 50mm spitfire classic formula 4 wheels, new balance numeric pj 533 black/white 12 stock insoles)