skate journal: arvada bank spot then triple nipple (june 7, 2017)

Joe, Damon and I rolled to Arvada to the foundation spot. We were in the process of checking it out and rolling around when we got the cowgirl boot. Then we were driving toward triple nipple and I remembered wanting to check out this bank spot. So we did. It was pretty fun and we skated for longer than I thought we would. It grinded really good. There is a light hill so frontside for regs is a bit of work. Backside grinds worked so well. There was also a little bench that Joe 50’d a few times. It had a funny wave in it. I noseslid it, Damon probably did something too, but I missed it. The bank was fun. I thought I did some back smiths, but on the footy review it was just a bad looking slash. I’m bummed the camera missed a lot of Joes tricks, but happy we had something.

Then we went to Triple Nipple. Fuzz was already busting boosty ollies over a boob. Or as Joe said, going Total Recall. Jack found out his toe wasn’t broken so he was skating hard. Lipslide to 5-0, back lip, back 5-0, lots of tricks on the ledge. I saw Carleigh do a bunch of back disasters, kickflips and varial flips. Neil was busy snaking Fuzz, trying to do shoves quick and trying to get a noseslide shove like Carleigh. Fuzz and I struggled with crooks. Fuzz was doing solid back 50s on the ledge, switch noseslides, such a good halfcab noseslide. At one point Nate pretended to snake me which sent me in another dudes path who I collided with and then Fuzz came out of nowhere and nailed him too so we sandwiched him. It was hilarious. Nate destroyed the ledge. Back 5-0, back nosegrind, nollie front 5-0, fakie nosegrind, fakie nosegrind shove out, kickflips into the wedge grind. Totally shredding. Richard showed up and slayed it. Nollie nosegrind, nose manual nollie flip out, back nosegrind, back 5-0, kick back nosegrind. Damon had backside flip over an awkward hip and a lot more I’m not remembering right now. Rob was flying through the park with so much style. My feet were f’ing killing me. I did a switch front noseslide, but other then that it was a wash. A dude at the park did front smith kickflip out. Joe did a bunch of fakie 50 combos and fulfilled our request to do a back 50. Fun crew, fun park, perfect weather.

(setup 8.25″ null spanbauer deck, venture 5.2 high v-hollows, venom 88a bushings, bones sft v3 52mm wheels, 3 washers on the inside of each axle, bronson raw bearings, nbnumeric quincy 254 12 gum/cream, fp gamechanger insoles)