skate journal: evergreen, golden sauls with everyone! (june 9, 2017)

@fullertrron is too good #coloradicalsabbatical2017 #weekendatgrennys2tokyodrift

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@boredzinejp knows how to rock #coloradicalsabbatical2017 #weekendatgrennys2tokyodrift

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I felt pretty lucky to have been allowed to sleep in all the way to like 7:30am by Fremonsters. We were at Evergreen by 9:30 am or so. Crazy. I love Evergreen park. The crew was Ollie, Dave, Matt R, Joe, Eric, Dan, Damon, Jake, Josh, Chief (who just slept in the car), Rob, Neil so if I miss some tricks let me also say I’m writing this a week later. We were there 2-3 hours. It was hot, but not too hot. I was annoyed with how big and bulky my shoes were and how they made my board feel so tiny. I struggled and the only tricks I got were super sketchy and terrible (b/s flip, halfcab flip, f/s halfcab flip). Joe got his first ever halfcab flip over the hip. Matt and Damon did nollie big heels. Josh had front big and a nice frontside flip. Dave had back bigspins, 360s, front shoves. Dave, Jake and Josh killed the steep qp. The ledges were skated. Dan had 50s to manuals. Eric got the drone angles. I wish I remembered more.

Best skatepark #coloradicalsabbatical2017 #weekendatgrennys2tokyodrift #oververt

A post shared by Eric J Eckert (@ericjeckert) on

Then we went to Golden. It was my first time there. It was incredibly hot out, but it kept the crowds down. I mostly slacked initially as I was super sore and took a little nap in the shade. The visitors were hyped and skated hard though. Carves in the Big O replica. Ledges, wallies, lines, speed races through the park. Josh and I skated the tiny qp for awhile which was my fav part of it. He got pivot to fakie which he hasn’t done in years. I didn’t. I got a front pivot to fakie though. Ollie did some stuff too. Then we joined the race around the park to ride up the stairs. I was feeling extremely clumsy. Ollie skated almost the whole time. He was pumping the Big O, doing ride on grinds and showing up Joe. It was rad. Eric was grinding the tall qp. Josh slashed the tall bank. Ollie showed up Joe with a f/s halfcab. Matt did a bunch of manual tricks. Damon front boarded the big rail. Chief pumped the Big O for a bit, but it hurt his knee too much. Neil must have been hurting because I don’t remember much Neil action.

Then after some food and driving back to Boulder we went to Sauls. The crew swelled to a big size. Eric F, Lazer, Nolan, Jake joined. Everyone seemed to have fun. I didn’t skate much as I was sore and I felt like others should enjoy it. Saul showed how to do the quickest grinds back to back to back to back. So sick. Nolan slammed on his first wall, so you know it’s tough to skate. But he ended up totally slaying it. Dan was ripping, lots of disasters. Eric boardslid around a corner. Josh front smiths and disasters. Lazer looking good. Dave displaying his large bag of tricks. Matt Rief with the slam of the night. Eric F ride on grind into the bowl. It was a really fun session.

(setup 8.25″ null spanbauer deck, venture 5.2 high v-hollows, venom 88a bushings, bones sft v3 52mm wheels, 3 washers on the inside of each axle, bronson raw bearings, nbnumeric 868 12 black/gum with old stock NB# insoles)