skate journal: #cloggingyourfeedwithstokepartdeux day deux, green lake and northgate (march 28, 2018)

Joe and I spent the morning making it impossible for Josh to get any work done while he was “working from home”. Then on a lunch break we went to Josh’s stomping ground Green Lake (Lower Woodlands) skatepark. We have an ongoing joke about this park because I don’t like it much. Would that change this time around? Nope. Ha. It took awhile before I got annoyed though. It’s just one of those parks you need to skate a lot. Or at least to me, Joe was having fun. Josh was ripping. Tricks on the tiny vert qps, grinds around the bank to curbs, spine transfers, beanplants, lipslides, slappy crooks to fakie, front nose the tall ledge, solid crooks the tall ledge, manual and nose manual the narrow bump to ledge, front 50 and front tail the pyramid ledge, totally bolts 360 flip out of a rounded bump. Dude was ripping. Joe had some tall front 50s, I think boardslid down a rail, got a halfcab flip out of the bump to end it. I had a warm up line of wallie up onto the narrowish ledge, kickflip on the mellow bank, noseslide the pyramid ledge, got a b/s flip out of the bump, got a nollie varial flip on the top area (was hoping for nollie tre though) and rode around a lot avoiding weird obstacles.

@nolancormier is so fun to skate with. #cloggingyourfeedwithstokepartdeux

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After distracting Josh some more Nate and Nolan rolled into town and we went to Northgate. Nolan’s friend John would meet us and then Brett. The people already there skating were rad. I was quite sore. Argh. Joe and Nate went to work on the ledges. Nate’s long back 5-0s are amazing. He was lining them out with no complies on the round bank. It ruled seeing Nolan skate again. He destroys. I skated the barrier thing with Nolan at one point. He ollied into it, did pivot fakie first try and blunt bigspin. I did the rock ‘n rolls and the tiniest front slash imaginable. Nate did the pole jam 50 which was nuts. This was after someone else did it during a nearby car wreck that distracted us and he ran into Nate and still landed it. Joe did fakie 50 fakie ollie out then started hucking fakie 50 fakie flip out. He would get it! I didn’t really do much of anything now that I think about it. Tried halfcab crooks for awhile. John was all over in a rad way. Nolan had super long back tails, the kickflip on top of the oval middle after a 360. Brett skated the ledge. Nate ended the session with a textbook Janoski flip on the round bank. Then it was off to Treepeople!!!

(setup 8.25 null atomic cowboy deck, venture icon 5.8 trucks, 51mm bones stf v1 wheels, 3 washers outside each wheel, venom 88a bushings, new balance numeric 255 baby blue size 12, pinnacle powerstep insole)