skate journal: broomfield park and a good crew (april 8, 2018)

It was windy in Boulder. The kind of wind that makes you not want to skate. Dave had called me and said we should do a quick Broomfield session then go to explore in Denver. I got there first, Rob second, Dave third and Jake last. There were a few other older guys at the park initially that were ripping and fun to skate with. But one of their kids following them ran into the happy ledge and messed up his mouth. Then we mostly had the park to ourselves except for a few scooters. For quite awhile we all did our thing. Rob had a bunch of front boards on the black ledge, some funny front noseslides where the ran into the end of the ledge after the make, manuals up and around the blue bank, back 50s the blue ledge, I think a crooks or two the black ledge, kickflips. Dave was struggling. I mean he was still ripping, but you could sense the struggle with his reactions. Things like touching down on manuals, bailing grinds, etc. I was skating decently for me. I landed a lot of flip tricks first try cruising around, had some pop for me, had some lines. After awhile I randomly decided to try nollie back lip on the parking block. I was going super slow, but it felt cool. We played a game of SKATE. It went pretty well for me. In fact the only letter I got was on varial flip which I landed, but Jake was just bummed on getting pink slipped so made me redo it and I bailed. Ha. First time in awhile I got the 360 flip on defense against Jake (even though I had to put a hand down), heelflip. Dave and Rob were out first, I took Jake out with f/s halfcab flip. It was cool because after that Rob, Dave and Jake tried a few of the missed tricks. We just kept skating flat for awhile (Dave was also doing nollie back lips on the curb). Dave got a f/s halfcab flip or two, varial flip. Rob came close to f/s halfcab flip, got the b/s flip. Oh yeah, Rob got halfcab flip in the game too which was rad to see him get. I got a nollie tre which really hyped me up, been awhile. I was loving the Thunders. Jake and Rob took off. The wind picked up. Dave was trying lines starting with kickflip then nollie back lip the parking block. I was trying fakie 50 tricks on the blue ledge. I was hyped to get a fakie 50 where I came out switch. Progress! Then I tried fakie 50 switch front shove out. I kind of landed one, but I turned f/s halfway so it was kind of more like a body varial out. Still felt cool. I tried to keep it going, but got really sore. Tried a few ollies and gave up. Dave finished with a quick little parking block sprack then nose manual the blue box. Took him a bit, but he got it. Fun day until the end when I got way too sore.

(setup 8.25 null atomic cowboy deck, thunder 148s with old forged baseplate, venom 88a bushings, 50mm bones stf v1, new balance numeric 212 b/w size 11, spenco 3/4 thinsole orthotic and footprints 5mm insole)