skate journal: fun at saul’s then struggles at the basketball ledge (may 7, 2018)

Posted in Skate Journal on June 8th, 2018 by corpo

After work, a nap and a small dinner I went to Saul’s. I arrived to a rad crew. Ed, Dave, Saul, Will and Eric. I was late so things were already going. Will was trying to learn frontside grab grinds (I have no idea what it’s really called – front hand grabbing the nose while doing a front 5-0) and doing sick lines to get to it. Ed only took a couple runs before bouncing, but I saw a front tailslide which I haven’t seen him do before. Saul was front slashing the brick and almost the deep which is funny because he was totally going for it, but it just didn’t work. He also had some nice long back 50s and his patented quick carve grind lines. Eric did some tricks easily that I’ve seen him need to work up to before. Slashes in the deep, back disasters, ride on grinds, back 50s, you know the drill. I was nervous about how my new setup would handle in the bowl, but it felt great. I had better than normal carve grinds, longer runs which had more than one trick in them and my first real back 50s in the deep in awhile. Dave was kind of off, but still able to manual all over the place, back tail, some weird backside plant, maybe fastplant? Front smiths, back feebles, back tails, casually ripping as he always does.

Then Dave and I went to the basketball court ledges. There was tree debris all over everything, but no one playing ball (until later but they just sat by the other hoop). We tried some switch tres to start out. Dave got closer. Then started hitting the ledges and I struggled way more than expected. Everything felt off. My shoes were done, my socks were too thin and I still cannot figure out these Indys on ledges. I really do like them on basically everything else, but skating ledges I hate them. And that sucks because ledges are my favorite. I was even struggling with noseslides. Argh. Dave got on some front 50s right away. He would struggle too, but not like me. We tried lines with flip tricks, etc. I got my line from last time of switch front noseslide, switch front 180, crooks. Still couldn’t get the halfcab flip instead of the swtich 180. Dave did front 50 around the corner then front noseslide. I tried front noses to fakie, fakie flip, switch back nose, but couldn’t get the fakie flip. Dave did a lot of kickflips. I took a long time to get a super bad front 50. Dave got a solid back 50. I struggled with halfcab noseslide. I ended up chilling as I was sore and nothing was working. Dave was doing his slappy crooks. He got a couple then overshot on one and slammed so hard. It was terrible looking. He was alright, but that was the end of the night.

(setup 8.38 null perception deck, indy 149 ray barbee trucks, oj 52mm ez edge insane-a-thane wheels, bones medium bushings, es accel slim all black size 11.5, footprint gamechanger low profile insole)