skate journal: broomfield park with rob on a great day off work (june 8, 2018)

Had the day off work and after a nice morning I met Rob after noon. When I got there it was just Rob and another older dude I’ve seen skate there a few times. Rob was already doing mannuals and nose manuals so he was pretty warmed up it seemed. I had a new pair of Accel Slims which took a bit to get used to. We both seemed to skate decent. The other dude was messing up the flow some, but he was skating hard so it’s cool. It was really hot when the sun was out, but luckily for the most part there was cloud cover. My first 3 front 50 attempts all turned into front 5-0s. That’s getting a little old. I did get a few front 50s up the sad ledge, but never over all of it. Got first try boardslide transfers both ways on the brown ledge. Rob went after the regular boardslide transfer and got it. I had never ollied onto the low part of the brown ledge and rode off the tall end. It’s basic, but it felt pretty cool. Made myself boardslide down the tiny rail for the first time in awhile. Rob was on the front noseslides or crooks on black ledge, back 50s the blue ledge, halfcab noseslides, manuals up around the CO bank. Then we played a game of SKATE. Oh I should mention I had decided this was the last day in the Indy trucks trial period. They had felt good. And even after the game I was sold. I had gotten tricks like heelflip and 360 shove first try. Rob got two letters on halfcab flip even though he landed on both of them. Doh. He got me with a cab. The winning trick was the 3 shove. After that Rob showed me cabs for awhile and I probably made some progress towards getting one, but I never got one. Rob left and I kind of just tried one line for awhile. Front 50 the black ledge (or sometimes try to Joe Hamilton it) then 360 flip out of the little bank. I kind of got it. I really like how much better Indys are for 360 flips. Some kid showed up at the park and was throwing a temper tantrum when he couldn’t land a crooks and threw his board into the tree and it stuck. Ha ha. He had to climb up and get it covering the sad ledge with pine cones, needles and branches. When he finally got his board he just left the debris. Stupid kids. Then I went to Crisis and hung with Rob and Fuzz for awhile. Good times.

(setup 8.38 null perception deck, indy 149 ray barbee trucks, oj 52mm ez edge insane-a-thane wheels, bones medium bushings, es accel slim navy/white size 12, footprint gamechanger low profile insole)