skate journal: flatground friday struggles (aug 24, 2018)

Posted in Skate Journal on August 24th, 2018 by corpo

Hit the dog park before work. Wasn’t feeling overly motivated, but my legs felt good. Things started out pretty well. I got the kickflip – no comply 180 – fakie flip warm up line in a couple tries. Then came halfcab flip which ruined me. I couldn’t land it. I was literally like 0-40. I moved on. I got a first try heelflip. Fakie bigflip, 360 flip and eventually a halfcab flip. I was furious. My legs felt good and I was trying and I just couldn’t land tricks. I think this will be the last day on such a big board.

(setup null perception 8.5 deck, venture 5.8 black icon trucks, venom 88a bushings bones v1 stf 51mm wheels, es swift 1.5 grey size 11.5, footprint gamechanger low profile insole)
(knee pain 0/10)

skate journal: slow start at broomfield park that turned into a great night (aug 22, 2018)

Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on August 24th, 2018 by corpo

Got to Broomfield park around 8pm. Garrett, Rob and Carleigh showed up around the same time. Things started slow. Well, maybe not for Garrett, he was ripping out of the gates. Such good style. I had started with the PJ shoes, but they hurt so I put an old pair of Es Switfts on and they felt great. I was swearing off the big board too. I’m not sure how it happened, but all of a sudden it seemed like everyone was in the zone trying hard stuff for them. We were mostly skating the blue ledge. For me it was a fakie 50 switch 180 out first try and I’ve only done that trick once before. I followed it with a first try Joe Hamilton. Rob did a few kickflip front boards and then him and Carleigh were trying front 50 shove out. Carleigh cracked her board really bad, but was still able to skate. She would get a solid one shortly before the lights shut off. Rob did it as well and then got nollie 50 front shove out. I also saw front 50 back 180. Garrett was trying lots of front 180 fakie manuals. He got one with a little love tap at the end. His front blunts on the quartapotty were sick looking. I ended up stacking quite a few tricks for me. Front 5-0 front 180 out, front 50 back 180 out, fakie nosegrind (I’m not actually sure the truck really grinded), a front nosegrind with a love tap, back 50 shove (so slow). I remembered to try and ollie the 6 stair. I committed the first two tries, but splatted for reasons I don’t understand. I bailed the third try and then the lights shut off. Such a fun night.

(setup null perception 8.5 deck, venture 5.8 black icon trucks, venom 88a bushings bones v1 stf 51mm wheels, es swift 1.5 grey size 11.5, footprint gamechanger low profile insole)
(knee pain 2/10)

skate journal: flatground struggles at the dark school (aug 21, 2018)

Posted in Skate Journal on August 24th, 2018 by corpo

After a long day at work and some food I ended up at the school across the street in the back alley. The lights aren’t great, but there are a couple good spots. The PJ shoes felt weird initially again. Kickflips did not come easy. Nothing did. Struggled with halfcab flip, heelflip. I had thought about f/s halfcab heeflip all day and wanted to land one. But between the new shoes and the big setup I couldn’t. The session was seriously terrible except a first try treflip and the fact that my feet and knees didn’t hurt at all.. until the next day when I woke up with a bad case of Plantar Fasciitis. Argh

(setup null perception 8.5 deck, venture 5.8 black icon trucks, venom 88a bushings bones v1 stf 51mm wheels, new balance numeric 533v2 brown/gum size 12, stock insoles)
(knee pain 0/10)

skate journal: research area struggles (aug 20, 2018)

Posted in New Shoes, Skate Journal on August 24th, 2018 by corpo

Work late this week.  After dinner and some soccer with Ollie it was dark.  I went to the research area wanting to skate flat in the newer concrete areas.  I started in the area that has the little 2 stair.  Oh yeah, seeing as how the vulcs ended up hurting bad last time and the 868s are just too bulky I tried some new shoes.  PJ 533v2s.  They felt very different when I started and impossible to skate.  It bummed me out.  I would kind of get things going a little bit.  I suck so bad at flatground lately.  Changing shoes almost every time I skate and the bigger setup are not helping.  I got a couple lines with 180s down the stairs and basic kickflip variations.  I got annoyed with the lights shutting off/on and went to the other new area with the wood benches.  After a slam on a fakie flip I went up to the ledge and finally had a little fun.  Noseslides, noseslide to fakie.  I slammed hard on a noseslide to fakie and screamed.  Got up and tried it again and landed it.  It was refreshing to be so upset about not landing a trick. Because lately I seem to not get upset and also not really try hard.  I got several crooks, but they were just little quick jibs. One bad back axle stall. I tried switch varial flip on the way up the hill and kickflips down the hill. It sucked dodging all of the roly polys. I got a decent feeling halfcab noseslide then a better crooks and called it a night.

(setup null perception 8.5 deck, venture 5.8 black icon trucks, venom 88a bushings bones v1 stf 51mm wheels, new balance numeric 533v2 brown/gum size 12, footprint gamechanger low profile insole)
(knee pain 2/10)