skate journal: flatground friday on a gorgeous afternoon (sept 7, 2018)

Had a pretty chill Friday at work for once. I went to dog park around 3:30 and it was super nice out. Warm, but with a hint of autumn cool air. I took off my shirt and enjoyed the sun. I did some of the ol’ dynamic stretching then started in with the nollie / fakie shoves, 180s. My new “I’m ready to skate” line is kickflip, no comply 180, fakie flip. I was trying it pretty quick, the fakie flip took a few tries though. Then I went for it, the Ironman line. Kickflip, heelflip, treflip. Much to my surprise the first few heelflips worked so I had to commit to treflip before I was ready. I got the line in under 10 tries. Although the heelflop was terrible, it landed primo and rolled over. After getting that line so quick I lost a little motivation. I went for halfcab flip then nollie tre. I got a first try halfcab flip which hasn’t happened in awhile, but could never get a nollie tre. I actually ended up struggling with the halfcab flip too. I mixed in some other flippers when I bailed the halfcab flip like nollie/switch flip/nollie varial flip. Never got them, but the nollie flip was super close. Also had tried to start with fakie bigspin then pop shove. Tried another line of fakie flip then halfcab heel. Never put my feet on the halfcab heel. I noticed how scared I was to commit after awhile and my knees started hurting. Oh yeah, that’s why I don’t normally skate vulcs.

(setup 8.25 null perception deck, venture 5.25 awake lows, stock white bushings, 3 washers inside each axle, 51mm v1 bones stf wheels, nb# 212 tan, 3/4 spenco orthotic thinsoles and old lakai insoles)
(pain level 3/10)