skate journal: basketball ledges struggles and more rippers (sept 10, 2018)

After work I met Dave at the basketball court ledge spot. I did some stretching and debating which shoes/insoles to wear as one dude shot hoops then left. Dave and I rolled in around the same time and started the warm up process. Another dude joined us. He did no comply 180s and front 180 fakie 50 right away. Dave and I were still working on the ol’ noseslides and stuff. Well, Dave got on a front 50 in the corner pretty quick, but didn’t land it. Then another couple dudes showed up. A skater and his filmer. I’ve seen the dude once before and he back noseblunted the Broomfield double set first try. Great, back to struggling around people that are very good at ledges. It was cool though, maybe helped to warm up a little. I was feeling a little uncomfortable about committing to tricks because I wasn’t wearing orthotic insoles. But it felt good. I managed a heelflip, first try 270 flip, halfcab flip, one very slow front axle stall, a few crooks, a couple switch front noseslides (slappy style of course) and a lot of bails. Dave impressed the masses with a first try slappy crook, noseslides to fakie, halfcab noseslides, kickflips, varial flips. The other dudes filmed some cool tricks. Front 180 fakie 50 creepy out. Other dude did a line with crooks nollie front 180 heel out then did crook inward heel out. Whoa. It was cool to see, embarrassing for me, and a struggle. But overall I still had fun and was hyped to skate with Dave.

(setup 8.25 null perception deck, venture 5.25 awake lows, stock white bushings, 3 washers inside each axle, 51mm v1 bones stf wheels, es swift 1.5 blue/clear shoes size 11.5, stock insoles)
(pain level 2/10)