skate journal: more playing on the putter in the garage (jan 2, 2019)

Posted in Skate Journal on January 3rd, 2019 by corpo

Went out to the garage late in the evening on a cold/snowy night. I tried to skate my real setup, but the soft wheels and destroyed tail felt terrible. I wasn’t really motivated at first, but then I just started to huck and it came together. I had a 360 flip early on, couldn’t hardflip. Started hucking sex changes the hard way, but never got both feet on. My frontside flips are still terrible. I can’t heelflip in these shoes because of how thick the heel is. The 3 shove took awhile, but felt fun. The halfcab heel took awhile to get and I called it then.

(setup garage putter 7.5″ – adidas busenitz vulc b/w size 12 stock insoles)