skate journal: lazy sunday at saul’s with a fun crew (jan 13, 2019)

Feeling really sore Kevin and I went to Saul’s as the sun warmed things up. It was Saul, Eric, Kevin and I then Josh showed up a little later. Saul always has the long lines with the crazy fast scratch grinds that are fun to watch. We all messed with a qp trick then a cali grind into the bowl. Eric was the first to add a flipper in between with a heelflip. I added kickflip, Kevin added nollie flip. Eric and Kevin were doing lots of pivots or feebles to fakie, back disasters. Kevin had some sketchy roll ins, back smiths, front smiths, yeah, he was ripping. Saul is getting close to back crailslide (I think that’s what it’s called?), did a bunch of the cali grind ride in, his patented quick lines. I didn’t see any ‘Frontside Saul’ ha ha. Eric had some really good long grinds, lined out his tricks, shredded. I didn’t have much and it was a struggle. Josh eluded the camera for awhile, but when he skates it sure looks good. Style kind on the front rocks. My small setup didn’t feel good there. Fun session though, good dudes.

(setup old 8″ null, venture 5.2 v-hollow high trucks, 50mm bones stf, 3 speed washers on the inside of each axle to make it feel a little wider, bones medium bushings, lakai sheffield gray size 12, thinnish lakai rubbery insoles from bristols)
(pain level 4/10)