skate journal: struggling at squarehouse (feb 7, 2019)

On a frigid night I went to Squarehouse for “adult night”. I put “adult night” in quotes because a couple of the kids were still there. Good kids sure, but can’t claim ‘adult night’. Ha ha. Kevin was there when I got there. He had forgotten to put his contact in and was stuck in his glasses. He couldn’t skate in them. I felt bad as he was really slamming hard and not skating at normal Kevin level. He was really out of it. Took several tries to get a crook, but he did get nollie flip first try. I couldn’t do anything for the longest time. There was a few people there. It was not crowded, but it only takes a few people. We arranged a bank to curb for a tiny bit. Saul got a feeble on it. Brian and I missed no comply to tails. Then in silent protest Saul knocked it down while skating the ramp. Ha. We had also made a hip out of the kickers and put the smaller ledge under the regular ledge. One dude was trying to wallride the hips, he got close. Kevin did switch front 50 over the little ledge and came back with a Wenningesque front 5-0. I took several tries to do a very slow back 50 across the little one. Kevin 50’d the extra tall one too. Crooks over the little one. Ripping. Another dude skated the ledge with us, Kevin, he went coast to coast on everything. I was struggling so bad, but at least not slamming as hard as Kevin. He had a switch 180 over the hip and slid out fierce. I took awhile to get a kickflip to fakie on the mellow bank. Finally got on front 50s on the regular ledge once they removed the low ledge, got front 50 shove, cracked my tail on a switch nose 270 shove. Got a few crooks, one bad halfcab noseslide. Ended with the line above basically. Brian was skating the ramp with the kids. He was ripping. Back d, lots of various front truck bashes.

(setup 8.5 null lazer deck, venture ftc 5.8s v-lights, venom 91a bushings, no washers inside the axles, 52mm bones sft v5 wheels, new balance numeric 379 tan size 12, old rubber STI insole)
(pain level 2/10)