skate journal: flatground friday at blue skies with dave and a cab flip! (feb 15, 2019)

On a not-as-warm-as-it-looked Friday I met up with Dave for a lunch session. Both of us struggled. I was going to say we struggled early on, but really we struggled throughout the session. I was immediately not happy with my decision to go with an old 8.38 deck. It felt huge. Dave had some slams on pop shoves that were pretty uncharacteristic, but some good long lines with cabs, no comply 180s, switch no comply 180s, front shoves, switch front shoves, kickflips, etc. I struggled to get a halfcab flip, heelflip, b/s flip, almost got a real fronside flip. Dave was trying a line of nollie front 180, halfcab flip. Took awhile to get the halfcab flip. Dave had the most epic f/s halfcab flip. I had showed him how I setup for them with a front 180 first and so he tried doing that. But it put him in this awkward squat where he almost came to a halt then did it. It was hilarious, epic and amazing. I had kind of given up on landing normal tricks and started hucking cab flips. They got closer and closer and I started committing. Even just committing to them felt great. And then one happened. And it felt incredibly smooth and shot a jolt of stoke through me I haven’t felt in awhile. It wasn’t a perfect one by any means as I mostly did a halfcab flip where I landed on my nose and rotated, but it was definitely a cab flip. After that I went back to work. Dave stayed for a bit. He had been trying cab flips too and it seems within reach for him as well. Glad we skated.

(setup 8.38 null atomic cowboy deck, venture ftc 5.8s, venom 91a bushings, bones stf v1 pj 53mm wheels, new balance numeric 379 tan size 12, thin rubbery adidas insoles)
(pain level 4/10)