skate journal: stubborn pushing around downtown in the cold (feb 27, 2019)

On a cold night I went out because I don’t really know what else to do besides skate. I wasnt that motivated, but I had watched some of the Sour video hoping for inspiration. So I went out in hopes of skating some different and weird stuff. I started on a speedbump, but quickly left and ended up at the bank with the flatbar against the wall. I had forgotten all about it. I dorked around trying some lines and manuals. I had put Bones bushings in the other day and they felt fine on flat, but I hated them out and about. I kept at it though. I was getting into noseslides on the somewhat shorter section before a janitor came and parked and messed up the spot. So I did the end. Well, as you can see it wasn’t really much of a noseslide. I moved on and ended up at Wells Fargo. I took too long to do a rock shuffle to fakie around the hip. Then even longer to do the rock shuffle 270. It was fun to land it. My legs were cold and sore and I realized I wouldn’t be doing much of anything. I skated/walked around looking for inspiration, but never really found anything. I ended up at the poorly lit little ledge in the alley near St Julien. Forced myself to do a front 50 and bounced.

(setup 8.38 null lazer deck, venture ftc 5.8s, bones medium bushings, bones stf v1 pj 53mm wheels with all washers on the outside, new balance numeric 379 tan size 12, stock insoles)
(pain level 5/10)