skate journal: more sick skating at broomfield park with kevin and sean (march 10, 2019)

Still feeling like garbage with the added bonus of pinkeye I went to Broomfield park on a sunny afternoon to meet Sean and Kevin. When I arrived they were doing flippers. Sean was going fakie, Kevin nollie. Same tricks with the opposite stance. I just kind of played around on whatever. Trying hard tricks like 50 on the blue ledge. Ugh. Then we mostly skated the black ledge area. Well, those dudes “skated”, I struggled. Kevin did a dream line twice. Nollie front 180 into the little bank, switch nosegrind 180, back smith stall the brick qp, nollie nosegrind, nollie tre out of the bank. Full pull! Sean went through all of this tricks. The back lips to front 270 shove were so good. I tried a line of switch 180 into the bank, crooks, turn around, front 50, treflip out of the bank. Landed on the treflip, but never rode away. Got a couple front shoves out of 50. Since Sean and Kevin did halfcab flips out of the bank I did too. Pretty fun. Sean was doing f/s halfcab flip out too. So good. Kevin nearly died trying it because the board shot up and nailed him in the hand luckily saving his face. That was pretty much it. Sean added fakie 5-0 to his list of tricks.

(setup 8.38 null lazer deck, venture ftc 5.8s with forged baseplate, venom 88a bushings, bones stf v1 pj 53mm wheels with all washers on the outside, new balance numeric 379 tan size 12, stock insoles)
(pain level 4/10 sickness aches and some arthritis in my left ankle)