skate journal: buena vista park with steve and his boys (march 20, 2019)

Feeling jittery from too much caffeine on a nice sunny morning the whole family hit the BV park. I hate that park. I haven’t skated in front of my mom in forever. I tried to show her and my brother a bean plant to tail on a qp and slammed so bad with my back on the coping. There was stop rocks all over the park so it was scary rolling then all of a sudden hitting a qp. So that was rather embarrassing. My brother skated a tiny bit. My nephews mostly sat on their boards and raced around. I got a couple kickflips to fakie, some little qp tricks, bailed front 50s on the ledge that turns into a qp and yelled when I repeatedly hit stop rocks. As if the Buena Vista skatepark didn’t already suck enough, the addition of millions of stop rocks and broken pool coping put me over the edge.

(setup 8.38 null lazer deck, venture ftc 5.8s, venom 88a bushings no boardside washer, bones stf v1 pj 53mm wheels with all washers on the outside, new balance numeric 379 all black size 12, stock insoles)
(pain level 2/10)