skate journal: york st fun with cass and kevin (april 20, 2019)

On a warm day I picked up Kevin, made a run to Emage then ended up at York St to meet Cass. It felt very hot and bright when we got there. Luckily some clouds would come in from time to time and keep it from being too hot. After an initial period of dorking around (for me that is, Kevin’s warm up is to 50 every ledge first try) we skated the manny pad area. I had a first try nose manual. Man the big setup feels great for manuals. Kevin and Cass were doing tricks up the little angle iron ledge then off the manny pad. I had started to shy away from it as the narrowness scares me. But I want to be able to skate the same ledges as others so I forced myself to front 50 up it. I did it so slow and sketchy, but Cass loved it. Ha. Kevin had done the 5-0 then noseblunt right out of the gate. I think he had done 50, 5-0, tail and nosegrind first try. We all did front noseslides up it. Cass locks in so good Jason would be proud. Kevin got a good one too. I had a sketchy one or two that slid out. My switch ollie up then switch front noseslide was fun. I did a fakie flip after, but Kevin had panned away. Went back for the fakie flip and slammed in a fun way. Kevin was trying noseblunt to fakie for a long time and I started posing front 5-0s on the out ledge. I know it looks like nothing, but I haven’t 5-0d anything like that in a long time. It felt really cool to try it. Kevin ended up giving up on noseblunt to fakie and got a first try front blunt. It was so sick. I had tried a few kickflips up too, one turned into a weckable kickflip manual, most I didn’t land. I would get the 5-0. As you can see it wasn’t pretty, but man it felt really cool. That was the end of the session. Then we hit 303 then ate and drank while watching the Nuggets. Fun times.

(setup 8.5″ null lazer deck, venture ftc 5.8s, doh dohs bushings (blue 88a barrel boardside one, yellow 92a roadside) no boardside washer, bones stf v1 pj 53mm wheels with all washers on the outside, new balance numeric 379 brown/gum size 12, thin rubbery adidas insoles)
(pain level 2/10)