skate journal: a little better than normal at southern hills (may 12, 2019)

Determined to get further than the school across the street I drove 3 minutes to Southern Hills shortly before dinner on a gorgeous Mother’s Day. I was feeling pretty out of it and bummed on the Nuggets losing. I took my time before starting the line game. Boardslide, front 50 the step, noseslide. Then the same going frontside. I alternated backside / frontside each time I got a line. Noseslide to fakie, switch front 180 on flat, crooks. Then I went in on the elusive front 50 in a line. For awhile I was trying switch noseslide, back 50 the step, then front 50. I got in a few times and bailed a couple because of how slow I was going and how chunky it is. Then I switched it to starting with front 50. It took me a few tries but I got a front 50 and it really stoked me out. I managed to get the rest of the line too, back 50, no comply 180, switch nose. There were a few intentional back 5-0s on the step mixed in that felt cool. Also some heelflips, f/s halfcab flip. Then I went for a line of halfcab noseslide, front 5-0 the step, ollie onto a bench. The ollie onto the bench is weird because of angles there. And halfcab noseslides aren’t easy for me either. I got a few of them, some of which even felt good. Most of which were bad. I had a couple scary attempts to get on the bench at first. I would eventually get on one and kind of come to a grinding halt on the edge, but I landed it and I was fine with that because right then I got the text that I needed to be home. As much of a struggle as it was, I’m glad I tried. Getting one slow front 50 after being 0-3 the last few times there felt great as did doing some intentional back 5-0s.

(setup 8.75″ null valley deck, venture ftc 5.8s, doh dohs bushings (blue 88a barrel boardside one, yellow 92a roadside), spitfire f4 classic 52mm green/yellow swirl wheels with 3 washers on the inside, new balance numeric 379 tan/gum size 12, fp 5mm insoles with heel pad)
(pain level 6/10 knee)