Nick Matthews wins last week

Posted in Best video part of the week on May 29th, 2019 by corpo

This is one of those perfect parts. The skating, the music, filming, editing, even the Venture trucks and shirts. Ha ha. Seriously though, love this part a lot. Pavement Ist Rad.

skate journal: frisco and breck with the nebraska crew and more (may 26, 2019)

Posted in Skate Journal on May 29th, 2019 by corpo

Kevin, Damon, Dan, Joe, Eric, Matt, Ollie and I got to a very crowded Frisco park around 11:30. The park was very overwhelming at first. The moonscape bowl section was even more ridiculous than I had imagined. Saul and Ed were there too. They were mostly in the moonscape section, the rest of us mostly kept it to the street section. At least the street section is nice and open. It was even harder than normal to notice what other people were doing since it’s such a large park. Jack and Carleigh showed shortly after us. It felt like ollies might work for me, but after going 1/20 on front 50s on the main ledge I was ready to quit skateboarding. At least Joe and I had a fun doubles line with kickflip (me)/front shove (Joe) off the kicker and boardslide down the tiny rail. This was right after Jack had bailed a boardslide down it. It was kind of funny. Jack went on to back nosegrind it and maybe even back nosegrind shove it. Dan did a front 50 to manual to casper flip out. Wow! Joe did a lip to 50 to shove out. Eric was in the moonscape getting his pump on. Ollie was just kinda cruising the street section not trying much. He was hyped to hang with Ella. I think Carleigh was in the moonscape for awhile too. She may have done a noseslide shove on the ledge or try to manual the pier 7 ledge. Kevin was doing tricks up it. Then a few of us skated the A frame kicker for awhile. Jack kickflipped over the rail, then kickflip manual bonked the rail. So nuts. Ed had done some poppy ollies over it. Matt did a nollie lazer! I couldn’t even backside flip it. I was in so much pain at this point. Every ollie, every flipper, everything. I even tried the Westgates for a bit. Jack had nollie heel and impossible over it too. Kevin might have nollie flipped off it. I followed Saul through the moonscape a couple times. It’s weird, it’s just pumping and hoping you don’t collide with anyone. At the end I had a line of beanplant to tail over the hip, boardslide the flat bar and at least left on a somewhat good note.

After lunch we hit Breck. It was almost empty so that was cool. We played a game of SKATE to try and get warmed up. I was happy to get a first try heelflip. Kevin went on to win although he was given a good run by casperholic Dan. Then we messed around between flyouts and ledge tricks. I didn’t get the treflip out and I was 1/20 on front 50s on the granite ledge. It felt good to get one, but so depressing to not be able to do it every time. Joe had some nice front 50s to front board. Kevin did a bunch of tricks as did Matt. Matt had never done a nollie backside flip flyout, but he got one. Before Kevin even. Then I think I pretty much sat out the rest of it in pain. Ollie had done a few basic fakie shoves and manuals. Kevin showed off with a back smith on the crazy steep qp. Damon was actually tired, didn’t see him skate a whole lot. Then we went to the continental divide and hung out for a bit. It was cold up there, but pretty awesome to see. Still so much snow.

(setup 8.75″ null event horizon deck, venture ftc 5.8s, doh dohs bushings (blue 88a barrel boardside one, yellow 92a roadside), spitfire f4 classics 52mm green/yellow swirl wheels with 3 washers on the inside, new balance numeric 379 b/w size 12, nike zoom air insoles)
(pain level 9/10 in the knees)