skate journal: broomfield park on a nice night and a chill park (june 11, 2019)

On a super nice night Mike picked me up and we went to Broomfield park. We arrived to very few people and it was super nice out. The crew was Kevin, Mike, Matt, Rob and me. Justin was there shredding super hard too. Actually, Chase was there initially and he’s always a treat to watch as well. Kevin started things off with a full horizontal slam trying to 5-0 the parking block. I talked with Liz on the phone for awhile as the Honda was having car problems. Rob was still fighting a sickness and ended up breaking out pretty quick. You could tell he wasn’t feeling well. He had a good slam on a manual that probably was the final straw. Mike and Kevin switch manualled the blue pad before I even ollied. Matt showed up and did basic grinds that I dream of immediately too. Then we mostly hit the blue pad are for awhile. Mike did nose manual nollie flip out. Kevin hit nollie shove manaual, switch nose manual. I did my first nollie back tail on it. It actually slid a little which hyped me up. I was able to ollie onto the blue box without much pain which I was excited about. I was wearing the stiff spenco orthotics under my insoles and it felt really weird on the coping. I got a fakie nosegrind. Matt got a fakie nosegrind and fakie 5-0. I think he might have given up on back tail on the brown ledge. I had a couple scary ollies onto the downhill ledge. Really I’m just hyped I was actually trying to really ollie again. Mike and Kevin had been going on the black ledge doing a bunch of tricks. I sat down and watched Kevin take awhile to get kick back tail and Mike ended up giving up on back nosegrind shove.

(setup 8.38″ null lazer deck, venture ftc 5.8s, doh dohs bushings (blue 88a barrel boardside one, yellow 92a roadside), bones stf v2 51mm wheels, new balance numeric 379 b/w size 12, spenco 3/4 orthotics under thin adidas insoles)
(pain level 5/10 knees)