skate journal: windy curb action right after work with dave (june 13, 2019)

Got home from work on a stormy afternoon and planned on chilling/napping for awhile. But Dave called and said he got off work and was going to skate Glenn Close. So I rallied and went over there. I was in a lot of pain so tried some cupsoles initially. Some PJs, but they were too tight. I was in a lot of pain and everything was a total struggle. I slammed on a slappy crook to start out. Ugh. Dave was doing some long noseslides to fakie. The wind made the spot feel more exhausting than normal. I got a couple slappy front crooks, nollie front tails, regular slappies, a couple slow slappy hurricanes, gave up on slappy front feeble, a few front 50s and a nollie shove (no pop) to manual out of the curb cut. I had a slam on something that really hurt my knee. Ugh. Dave had a good front slappy, had to give up on slappy crooks shove and ended with a really good nollie back tail. Another dude joined us for awhile. Ben. Turned out he went to school there with my daughter. Ha. He is rad.

(setup 8.38″ null lazer deck, venture ftc 5.8s, doh dohs bushings (blue 88a barrel boardside one, yellow 92a roadside), bones stf v2 51mm wheels, new balance numeric 379 b/w size 12, spenco 3/4 orthotics under thin adidas insoles)
(pain level 8/10 right knee. might be time to go to a doctor)