skate journal: denver barrier spot with legs that worked! (june 15, 2019)

After a fun late night for Jack’s video premiere I went to Jack/Carleigh’s and we rolled to the new barrier spot in Denver. We got there around 12:30 or so. Kevin was there, Garrett met us after a bit. I immediately felt some of the best I’ve felt in weeks. It doesn’t make much sense as it followed two nights of drinking, but I’ll take it. Jack quickly front boarded down the slanted barrier. You know a spot is hard if Nolan bails pivot fakie several times in a row. Kevin was doing backside grinds quickly, flip tricks. I took a few tries to get rock ‘n roll. Jack went to work on crooks nollie flip out on the flat bar. He got one early on, but couldn’t get another. Carleigh got a feeble on the barrier and lined it out with a hippy jump over the flat bar. I got the tiniest scratch grind on the barrier and it was super rewarding. Then I started trying a dorky line with front board stall to fakie on the little loading dock ramp thing, halfcab flip on flat then frontside slash, never got the f/s slash. It felt so good to be really skating, trying again. Garrett had some moves. Front feebs on the barrier, boardslide to fakie, maybe a hurricane. Nolan couldn’t put down the bluntslide, but did get a mean feeble to fakie. Kevin had some nice back smiths, crooks on the barrier. I got close to some Rick flips and landed a super slow 360 flip that pretty much made my month. It’s been awhile. Hooray to my knees for kind of working again! Then we had to go for Sean’s wedding.

(setup 8.38″ null lazer deck, venture ftc 5.8s, doh dohs bushings (blue 88a barrel boardside one, yellow 92a roadside), bones stf v2 51mm wheels, new balance numeric 212 b/w size 11.5, nike zoom air insoles)
(pain level 3/10 it’s a miracle the knees were working!)