skate journal: dog park with kevin, dan, sean

Around noon on a warm Sunday I went to dog park feeling arthritic like I ate gluten the day before. So I warmed up by sweeping the puddles thinner so they would dry. Kevin showed right about when I started skating. As bad as I felt I seemed to skate pretty good for awhile. I was trying a line of wallie, heelflip, noseslide to fakie the lo-hi, switch boardslide the butter bench. I had gotten every wallie I tried and to my surprise my heelflips were super consistent. I think I got 8 in a row at one point and probably got 15 or so total. I was hyped, but couldn’t get the switch boardslide. Got some halfcab flips instead sometimes. Kevin was ripping as usual. The line above took awhile, but when he got the noseblunt the rest came easy. Dan showed up on his lunch break. It rules skating with him sometimes now. He was shredding so hard. The bailed line above doesn’t show it, but he really did slay it. Nollie cab over the barrier, lots of flip tricks, nosegrinds over the top of lo-hi, got the front noseblunt on the ledge. Sean showed up and so quickly destroyed. The lines above came relatively easy, but he got stuck on back 5-0 shove for awhile before changing it to nosegrind shove. The nosegrind on the table was so sick. That was pretty much it for me, I filmed Sean on campus after that which was fun too.

(setup 8.5 Null Lazer deck, venture trucks 5.8 cast baseplate titanium hanger , venom 91a bushings with no bottom washer, bones 52mm stf sidecuts wheels, new balance numeric 868 black/gum size 12, currex runpro medium arch insole )
(pain level 6/10)