skate journal: dog park again before work (aug 21, 2019)

Cloudy day for once, felt cooler, but humid.  Warming up was pretty fast. My first real skating after a bunch of boardslides was a little line of halfcab noseslide then manual the black manny pad I fear so much.  Then crooks the butter bench followed by boardslide to fakie the little flat bar.  Not sure I went through with that one.  Actually for quite a while I was all over the place.  I tried to take advantage of being there alone and did a lot of dumb little ollies.  I also tried halfcab noseslides to fakie again.  Last time I couldn’t conceive it.  This time I got the first 3 I tried.  Skateboarding makes no sense.  I went on to get a couple that actually slid pretty far.  I was hyped.   Then I kind of got into a mode of failing at back 50 over the top of the lower step, ollie the little barrier, flatground trick, front nosegrind the step.  I managed a first try ollie over the little barrier (with a little wheel touch), kind of a treflip, rocketed first try heelflip.  Never got the back 50, it was quite upsetting.  Never got the front nosegrind either, but at least committed to that.  I gave up on over the top back 50s and just tried with my normal 90 angle in.  Accidentally did a 5-0 so naturally I shoved out.  Ha.  Tried halfcab crook for awhile and failed.  Same with noseslide 270 shove.  Tried to ollie the concrete bench again.  Got so close and committed more frequently, but never rode away.  I was so tired.  I had gotten there earlier and skated for close to two hours.  I didn’t really land much, but I was trying hard so I left happy.

(setup 8.75 null event horizon deck, venture trucks 5.8 cast baseplate titanium hanger , bones medium bushings, sml 53mm og wide wheels, 2 speed washers inside each axle, new balance numeric 533v2 gray stock insoles)
(pain level 3/10)