skate journal: loveland high and ftc bank to curb (oct 12, 2019)

Super nice sunny day. Garrett, Dave L and I headed north to his Ratz and MRKT. We stopped at the high school in loveland with the weird bank/stairs/hip/loading dock. Dave and I started slow, Garrett manualled the bank to loading dock like first try, nose manual a few tries later. I had maybe only done back 180 into the bank before I started filming. Garrett got kickflip manual and kickflip manual 180. He had the kickflip manual before I started filming and then it took awhile to get it again. Dave L was skating it differently than anyone I’ve seen before. Ollieing into the bank, then curving around the sidewalk and pushing up the corners and ollieing over the curb and into the bank. It was pretty wild. He had some nice pop shoves over the hip too. He also dropped in onto the narrow ledge and thread the needle through some poles. As I filmed I started thinking how I wanted to kickflip the hip then curve around and ollie over the little ledge. I was hating my setup, the trucks were too tight, the wheels felt way to hard. The kickflip took awhile, but felt great when I got it. I know the ollie over the ledge would be easy for Dave and Garrett and maybe anyone else who skates, but for me it was a challenge. I want to ollie over things more. It took about 5 tries to get over it and it felt pretty awesome. I’m not sure it’s part worthy, but I was happy to do it. Then I filmed Garrett get a sick line.

We headed to Fort Collins and stopped at the bank to curb. My legs were toast and I got angry as I bailed basic tricks over and over. Garrett and Dave were working through the pivots and tail stalls right away. I also hit a stop rock and slammed hard. Ugh. But once I got a front pivot I rattled off a few basics including a no comply to tail that felt cool. Garrett had front 5-0 to fakie and fakie shove to fakie pivot, front blunt first try. Dave L did back tail then worked on kick back tail for awhile and got a couple. So sick.

(setup 8.5 null nolan deck, Venture 5.8 trucks (cast baseplate titanium hanger), indy 90a bushings , bones stf v5 54mm wheels, 3 washers inside each axle, new balance numeric 306 foy b/w size 12, footprints gamechanger insoles)
(pain level 5/10)