skate journal: denver streets kinda stubborning (jan 4, 2020)

On a gorgeous day I went to Fuzz’s, watched a few vids then rolled out with Jack to Denver. We picked up Kevin and ended up at this school I’ve never been to before. There was some ice on the in the shade of the lower ledges which was a bummer. I felt so rusty on my skateboard. Even just ollieing up the curb felt weird. Fuzz and Kevin got up the big ledge pretty quick. Kevin has a lot of pop, it wasn’t as easy for Fuzz. Jack went right into manuals then trying back tail the 2nd tier. So gnarly. Fuzz and Kevin did the ollie up the ledge, ollie up again, ollie the gap. Kevin had some line attempts. Got in some noseslides and nollie 180s off the ledge. My dork line was ollie up the little 2 stair, deck check the ledge up it, ollie up the smaller ledge, ollie the little gap. I also had a couple little kickflips, fakie flip. I filmed Jack rip for awhile then we bounced.

Ended up at this old spot I haven’t been to in years. I remember filming Jeff do a front crooks to fakie and switch crooks. It was as hard, if not harder than I remember. Jack had some funny 360 slams off the curb before, also some good 3s and a couple front pivot to fakie. Fuzz got a nose stall pretty quick on it. Kevin nose stall to fakie and then did it switch too. His shoulder was bugging him and he had a good slam on a fakie ollie or two and went to the bar. All I did was try front rocks for a couple hours and never cleanly land one. Frustrating skate day, rad people, amazing weather though.

(2020 setup 8..25 null abstract 6 deck, venture 5.6 v-hollows, 1/16” riser, bones medium bushings, 52mm spitfire green swirl classics f4 99a, jessup ultragrip, new balance numeric 306 foy black/gum size 12, nike sb zoom air insoles)
(Pain level 4/10)