skate journal: mellow/lame flatground friday with dave and his kids (march 6, 2020)

Out to punish myself I went to a basketball court with Dave after work. It was quite nice out. He had his girls with him and since the hockey rink had people in it we started on a smooth, but small basketball court. I was kind of more interested in playing basketball with his daughters than trying to skate. I guess I was afraid of how bad my knees would hurt. We kinda skated awhile. Some other dads had started playing basketball too so we had very limited space. We were both hurting and it showed, not much went down. I was wearing Westgates with orthotic insoles and it seemed to reduce the pain somewhat. After awhile the hockey rink cleared out and we went over there. I had hucked a few tricks. I think I only landed kickflip, halfcab flip and fakie flip as far as flippers. I was going to leave, but Dave challenged me to SK8. It ended up being a fun game. He got me with switch back 180 and something else. I got him with fakie flip, something else and won it on halfcab flip.

(setup 8.38 null curby deck, venture 5.8 cast baseplate with titanium hanger, 51mm bones stf v1 with all speed washers on the outside of the axle, bones medium bushings, jessup ultra grip, new balance numeric 913 westgates black/yellow size 12, footprint gamechanger low profile orthotic insoles)
(pain level 7/10 my knees suck)