skate journal: campus ledge before the snow started (april 15, 2020)

After work I chilled for a minute, changed my setup and headed to campus as the clouds were moving in.  I did a few slappy crooks at the meet up curb then headed down to the flagstone ledge.  I wanted to be pretty close to my car considering it looked like it could start dumping rain any second.  There was a puddle on the frontside approach that limited the angle and speed.  I was okay with that since frontside scares me these days anyway.  It was a bit of a struggle initially, but I was skating it backside too which I’ve never done before.  Backside went pretty well.  Noseslide, noseslide fakie, boadslide, crooks, switch front noseslide, halfcab noseslide.  Didn’t get halfcab nose to fakie, back 50 or kickflip nose.  Frontside I tried just ollieing on for awhile.  I don’t think I ever got a clean one.  I had a couple mediocre switch nose jibs then took awhile to get front 50.  But I was getting into it.  I was just going really slow and not locking in right.  I got one though and it felt pretty awesome.  As the rain started I tried treflips for awhile and got one!  That’s my fist in a few weeks.

(setup 8.3 null curby deck, venture 5.8 trucks custom cast baseplate with hollow kingpin and titanium hanger, bones medium bushings, 52mm bones easy street v5 wheels, all 3 speed washers on the outside, new balance numeric 288s black jack curtain size 11.5, no insoles, incrediwear knee sleeve)
(pain level 3/10 but once again my legs were kind of numb and lacking pop)