skate journal: stubborns being stubborn at basemar (may 25, 2020)

On a nice Memorial Day I went to the Basemar area. I was just thinking of something different that was near the house in case I got called for work again. I arrived first and started messing around in the alley area. Just doing little ollies, manuals, side rocks and stuff. Carleigh showed, we chatted, did some warming up and Kevin showed. We tried to figure out how to skate this area. Carleigh had some nice bean plants off the door ramp, rode between the poles. Kevin had a nice wallride to fakie, some quick feet ollies, kickflip to fakie. I took awhie to come up with a line that we ended up filming. Cab side rock then back 50 between some poled. It was hard, but fun.

Then we skated the kicker area. My first couple ollie attempts were so bad. I beat Kevin to back 180, but his was night and day better than mine. No tricks came easy for any of us. Carleigh went to work on kikclifps pretty quick and was the first to land a trick. Kevin was trying nollie tre, but moved on. He tried several tricks, the line he got 180 then switch shove was really good. He almost got switch f/s flip too. I kind of got backside flip. Then tried treflip for a very long time. This random lurker in a new pair of Dunks was watching and encouraging me. It was cool and actually helped me commit. Kevin was bringing the hype too with the nollie flips to fakie then fakie flip line. It was the perfect storm to finally land the 270 flip. Ha. I was happy and bummed at the same time, then turned right around and tried again and got the slightly cleaner one. It made me happy.

(setup 8.5 nolan null deck, ultra grip, venture 5.8 custom hollow cast baseplate titanium hangers, stock purple bushing bones top washer, 52mm spitfire green/yellow swirl classic 99a F4, new balance numeric 255 b/w size 12, thin rubbery adidas insole)
(pain level 3/10)