skate journal: fuller’s birthday session at loveland park (june 26, 2020)

Sean and I rolled up to Loveland on a nice morning. We arrived to a crew of mostly old dudes and it was awesome. Andy, Marcus, Joe, Jay, Bryan, Jake, Luzius. It was awesome. Fuller was already on fire when we arrived. He did that line with the nollie shove hippy jump pretty quick. Somehow I had already done my required treflip for the day too. I was feeling good actually. Got the boneless plant over the big rail first try then went in on the flyout treflips. Got a bad one in a few tries, then a better one in about 10 tries that felt great. It’s really hard to remember what everyone was doing. I haven’t seen Jay in years that was awesome. Andy still has amazing style. Marcus still rides a small board and that hypes me up. Bryan has some tech moves that come out of nowhere. He almost got a fakie shove tail on the bank to curb. Joe was crushing the ‘how many 360s can you do’ challenge and cruising around having fun. Sean was doing a good job of not showing off as the young guy. But he had some solid grinds on everything. Jake was ripping the bank to barrier. I’m not sure if he got all he wanted, but the front 5-0 was hot. I got the ollie up to kickflip fakie on the bank pretty quick, noseslide to fakie over the hip. I started playing on the spine and Fuller joined me to work on his ‘spinemenship’ ha ha. I was feeling really rusty on transition initially and took a few tries to even blunt transfer and regular transfer. But it started to come. The line of transfer, front feeble, smith transfer was really fun. Dave took a bit to get the back disaster transfer, but man when he did it was so sick. Riley had joined us for a bit and cruised the park a little making sure not to bend his knee. The stoke on his face was incredible at one point when he pushed fast to catch up to Fuller. I got a fun line of noseslide the mellow downhil ledge, slappy the bank to curb, short front 50 on the bump to up ledge. Luzius joined around then and was popping smooth olllies and manuals around the bank to ledge area. Sean was nose manualling the picnic table as a setup to learn cabs over the a-frame bump. Fuller was shredding the front 50s over the hip, tailslides on the bank, nollie cabs over the hip. When he did one I yelled ‘that was nollie kids’ to a few kids that did not care whatsoever. Ha. I took awhile to get an okay crooks on the hip to ledge. Then Sean shut down the bump to mini hubba (post soon). What a seriously fun session.

(setup 8.3 null curby deck, jessup ultragrip, venture 5.8 cast baseplate titanium hanger, bones medium bushings, spitfire f4 101a 51mm radial slims, new balance numeric 288s navy, no insoles)
(pain level 2/10)