skate journal: solo early dog park then red hawk with null (july 5, 2020)

After a night of trying to sleep through fireworks I went to the dog park on a warm morning. I had the park to myself for almost a couple hours. It went alright. I finally got back up on the second step ledge. The one ‘new’ trick I did was a nollie front 5-0 on a little ledge just kinda messing around. Flip tricks weren’t working at all, definitely have noticed some difficulty with the larger wheels. I did more stuff I’m embarrassed by when other people around like just trying to ollie onto ledges and stuff. Back 50s were hard as well even on the little ledge. I committed to an ollie over a cinder block ledge, but then the shadows started messing with me. Near the end I just wanted to get the ‘tre a day’ out of the way, but they weren’t working at all. So I resorted to nollie tre, but that took forever too. I was trying them after crooks on a cinder block ledge and some actually felt alright. But the nollie tre took like 30 minutes. It was so annoying, I was so close so many times. The one I landed I got real bad wheel bite and almost came off the board, but I was so desperate I held on.

After some food I met the Nullers at Red Hawk, aka the best spot ever. The crew was Riley (just shooting photos except for two 50s he did with a huge smile), Hayden, Peyton, Sean, Bo, Jack, Joe. Bo was quick to get out the camera so I skated for awhile. I got some front 50s, nollie front tails, noseslides, crooks, switch front noses. I filmed Jack get gnar for a bit. Bo was filming Sean and Hayden try to get tech, but it didn’t work out. Peyton jumped off a wall which was gnar. I started trying crooks bigspins for awhile. I would get really close. I landed on a crooks shove and turned it to fakie. In my head I thought maybe that was the bigspin, but judging by the response it clearly wasn’t. Don’t these people know I’m approaching 50 years old? Ha ha. Then I did some more filming and Sean ended up getting his line super good. Joe had some rad tricks too and a good line. We went to a nearby wallride spot. I barely got a wallie/nollie, Sean and Hayden had some good ones. Jack had a cool manual, I think Hayden did nose manual around the pole too.

(setup 8.3 null spanbauer pro deck, jessup ultragrip, venture 5.8 cast baseplate titanium hanger, bones medium bushings, 3 washers inside each axle, bones stf 54mm v3 99a, new balance numeric 288s navy, no insoles)
(pain level 3/10 I was good when I was warmed up, but oh so sore after sitting or filming for a bit)