skate journal: dog park with sean and jj (aug 21, 2020)

Posted in Skate Journal on August 22nd, 2020 by corpo

After work on a hot day I met Sean and then JJ joined us. Sean and I warmed up a little then played a game of SKATE to get warmed up. Luckily it wasn’t one of those hour long games. I got a letter on front shove, heelflip although I landed on it, back heel, something else and lost on fakie heel. I had beat Sean to fakie flip, halfcab flip, first try fakie bigflip and got another bad backside flip. Then we skated everything. I had no pop. 50s on the cinder block ledge were scary for some reason, probably because they were moving around. The only things I did I was happy about were a couple questionable switch crooks (more like willy grinds but it’s a start!), almost switch front nose pretzel, ollied the orange barrier off the kicker once, really close to switch flips. Sean had a sick line of fakie 50 the tall metal bench then fakie back 5-0 f/s halfcab out and almost creepy out. And he was ollieing the hydrant so casually. JJ had some mean hurricanes on the flat bar, lipslides, slappies. I didn’t skate great, but I didn’t skate terrible so I guess that’s alright.

(setup 8.3 null curby deck, jessup ultragrip, venture 5.8 custom titanium, stock bushings, 51mm spitfire 101a F4 classic shape, lakai atlantic b/w size 11.5, xero thin insoles)
(pain level 4/10 can’t shake the right knee pain)  

skate journal: dog park with nolan, sean, jack, jj (aug 19, 20200

Posted in Skate Journal on August 22nd, 2020 by corpo

Went to dog park after work to meet up with Nolan who was rolling through town. Jack and Sean were trying fakie crooks when I got there as part of some challenge. Jack got it both ways, I’m not sure if Sean did or not. I don’t remember much of anything from me other than I tried crooks shove (the hard way). There were a couple that felt possible. Nolan showed and we chilled for awhile and caught up. Jack and I started messing around with switch flips. Jack told me ‘just do one right now’ and it resonated. I didn’t land one, but it did seem to somehow make me think it was easier. Jack got a few of them. Then I mostly pointed the phone camera at everyone. Jack’s treflip was amazing. Stupid phone glich. Sean’s shifties looked so fun. JJ rips, I haven’t skated with him this much before, he has a unique bag and it’s fun to watch. Seeing Nolan skate again was so awesome. His skating is so fun to be around. The blunt bigspin was 2nd try. Hopefully we see him soon!

(setup 8.3 null curby deck, jessup ultragrip, venture 5.8 custom titanium, bones hard bushings, 51mm spitfire 101a F4 classic shape, lakai atlantic b/w size 11.5, xero thin insoles)
(pain level 4/10)