skate journal: rainy night garage flat (aug 28, 2020)

After work I resisted a nap and went and played a couple games of basketball with Ollie. It started raining at the end which meant no skating outside. I was hyped to hit the garage though. I put Swervedriver on and had a decent time. Kickflips and fakie flips didn’t come as easy as I hoped. Heelflip and fakie heel were battles too. Somehow I had gotten a hole in my wheels the day before and it was pretty annoying. Oh well, wasn’t gonna change it that quickly. Backside flip was whatever. Treflip was less than 20 tries for a change. Then I tried switch flip and nollie varial flip for awhile. Not super close to switch flip, but landed on a few nollie varial flips and was surprised to not land it. TGIF.

(setup 8.3 null curby deck, jessup ultragrip, venture 5.8 custom titanium, stock bushings, 51mm spitfire 101a F4 classic shape, new balance numeric 306 b/w size 12, thin NB 533v2 insoles)
(pain level 3/10)