skate journal: broomfield blah with sean (nov 4, 2020)

Feeling a little warn out from staying up too late and too many drinks on election night I met Sean around sunset at Broomfield park. I warmed up with some quartapotty, blue ledge no pop tricks. Sean was struggling with kickflips then did every heelflip perfect. We hit the black ledge. Sean stacked a bunch quickly. I really sucked it up. Couldn’t front 50 at all. Got a few basics, switch front nose felt good. Then Sean started trying treflips. His goal was 3. He would get 3 of them, but it took awhile. I couldn’t get one, but when I tried to do it in the ironman line they were closer. I finally got a treflip and then we played a game of SKATE. It started really bad for me. I got letters on front shove, double or nothing on heelflip, had to double or nothing fakie flip and even halfcab flip. So I was at SKAT in no time. But I randomly got a first try front heel which made my night not feel so terrible. I landed on a few other tricks, but couldn’t get fakie bigflip. Sean got a treflip and I managed to get a defensive one. He won on fakie tre.

(setup old 8″ null logo deck, jessup grip, venture 5.2 v-hollow highs, venom 88a bushings, old bones stf v2 51mm, new balance numeric 212 b/w size 12, es energy foam insoles)
(pain level 3/10)