skate journal: broomfield park with sean and darin (nov 13, 2020)

After work I went to Broomfield park to meet Sean. It was windy in Boulder, but Broomfield wasn’t bad. Darin was there when I arrived and so I joined him on the quartapotty/blue box. I started with the 8.25 from my quiver. Got a few of the basic quartapotty tricks, but couldn’t back 50 the ledge to save my life. It was so annoying. Darin rattled off qp tricks like blunt to rock fakie, back tail and back noseblunt! At one point I did a fakie 50 on the ledge and randomly just fakie front shoved out. It was one of my few highlights for the night. After some bailed front 50s I switched back to the 8.3 setup and liked it more. I tried to 5-0 off the edge of the blue ledge, but struggled. Darin rattled off his tricks. Sean was rattling off some tricks on the blue ledge and did a cool line of front 180 the double set then halfcab nose manual the blue box. Darin had taken off. I had gotten quite angry with myself for how bad I was skating. Also the 15 some scooter kids that were there. At one point Sean and I were the only skaters there. I tried nosegrind 180 for awhile and got kinda close, but gave up mostly because of too many scooter kids in the area. I wasn’t doing too good at front 50s on the black ledge, but I was happy to get the little rail boardslide most tries again and some decent feeling crooks. Sean worked on back tail shoves as he had somehow never done that trick. And of course it’s Sean and he’s good, so he landed it some 20ish tries later. I had tried noseslide and switch noseslide 270 and wasn’t close to either. Then we bounced.

(setup 8.38 null plant life deck, jessup ultragrip, venture 5.8 titanium hanger with cast baseplate, venom 90a bushings no boardside washer, 52mm bones stf 103a v1, new balance numeric 306 navy size 12, nike sb zoom air insoles)
(pain level 4/10)