skate journal: fun campus exploring and getting some confidence back (dec 7, 2020)

Rather than feel sorry for myself for being in pain and not skating well I went to campus in search of new/old/different spots I haven’t skated before or in years.  I would start behind the student center.  Initially with some straight dorking to get warmed up.  Then slightly less dorking for a warm up line that would stoke me out.  A kickflip fakie on the mellowest slope ever solely as a way to warm up and setup switch for switch 180 over a little grate into a little slope, ollie off a two stair (that had a crack a couple feet after so it felt like a little gap) then pose a back 180 down a 3 stair. Ollieing the little gap felt incredibly fun and reminded me how street skating soothes my soul.  I never got close to the back 180, but I didn’t really care and moved to the front where I took some time to ollie up the two stair, ride off (it was dark) and then noseslide a tall rounded bench.  I looked around for a while and ended up at the Baker ledge.  I feel like I was somewhere else before this, but can’t remember.  I tried a line of manual, noseslide to fakie, fakie flip.  Never got the fakie flip, but started not caring and trying switch flips instead and got very close to one.  Also got a little crook jib and ended with a front 50 that I didn’t think I’d be able to get because it was dark and due to ice I had to get on a somewhat taller section.  It was an incredibly fun feeling front 50.  I went home happy after that.  

(setup null 8.5 plant life, jessup ultragrip, venture 5.8, venom 88a bushings, 52mm spitfire f4 99a classic shape, new balance numeric 212 blue/gum size 11.5, footprints 5mm insoles)
(pain level 4/10)