skate journal: cold night garage flatground (feb 8, 2021)

Went into the garage shortly after dinner wanting to do another 3 treflips. I started quickly into failing at kickflips. Seriously, got so mad when I didn’t land any of the first 5. I would go on to get a few, but not the 5 in a row I normally do to move on. Fakie flip was a bit of a struggle too. Switch flips were not too close. I tried nollie flips for a while and some felt oh so close. If it would just flip a little fast I would have gotten one. Next I went for treflips hoping the new rhythm I had the night before would carry over. Nope. It took 29 tries to get the first one, another one a few tries after that, then like 20 more to get another. I’m happy I battled and stuck with it, but I’m not happy how long it took. I was beat after that, tried a few switch bs flips and called it a night. I wasn’t as happy with the smaller setup and the lack of flick on the shoes. I should just be happy I wasn’t in a ton of pain.

(setup 8.25 303 deck, jessup ultragrip, venture 5.6 v-hollows, stock purple bushings no big washer, 1/16″ riser, spitfire 52mm f4 classic shape 99a, es accel slim plus size 12, thin xero insoles)
(pain level 3/10)