skate journal: fun little basemar session (april 5, 2021)

Posted in Skate Journal on April 6th, 2021 by corpo

Not feeling too motivated after my first day of work in a few weeks I left the house not knowing where I would skate.  The sun had just set and I randomly thought of Basemar and it’s fun alley that is lit very well.  But I didn’t anticipate the area being covered in old kids clothes.  I moved some of them a bit out of the way and tried to get some warm up lines going.  I had put my 6.1 axles on with the big 53mm conical fulls.  Dumb idea.  First line was nollie to fakie the narrow bank, switch 180, front 5-0 a little yellow curb.  I couldn’t get a kickflip to fakie.  Then I tried an even dumber line starting up in another corner riding down a level or dropping down to tail then trying to manual to cali grind to manual the downhill pad section.  Never got close to the manual part and the smell back there started to get to me so I went out to the front area.  I had forgotten about the weird mellow bank with the flagstone ledge along it.  I then noticed a new approach I’ve never done before ollieing up the curb, noseslide attempt a tall flagstone ledge then stalls on the bank to ledge.  I had a really fun one ending with a front smith stall.  The noeslide was questionable, but it was so tall and dry I didn’t really care.  I tried a bunch more to do front tail shove, but never got it.  It was fun ollieing up the curb pretty well for once.  Then I tried a line of halfcab flip, nose stall to fakie a bench on the same bank followed with fakie flip.  I never got the fakie flip and got frustrated and left after a front rock and terrible wallride nollie.

(setup 8.5 null jack pro deck, jessup ultragrip, venture 6.1s no big washer, 53mm conical full spitfire f4 99a red/blue, new balance numeric 212 salmon size 12, footprint elite mid insoles)
(pain level 2/10)