skate journal: mellow saulside with jake and saul (april 9, 2021)

Feeling really tired after a week of work I went to Saul’s.  Jake and Saul were already there skating.  But we ended up mostly talking it seemed.  Saul had some fire though and did some good grinds.  I got one shallow end front slash and posed some Madonnas.  But I couldn’t even do the axle stall setup when Saul attempted to film me so I could see how far off I was.  Jake didn’t go too hard for him, but still rattled off a bunch of tricks I hope to do there some day.

saul 8.75 setup venture 6.1s 53mm spitfire conical full red/blue.  shoes: nb# 288S maroon size 11.5 no insoles)
(pain level 4/10)