skate journal: early morning louisville trying hard not landing anything (may 28, 2021)

Up early again, but not as energetic. I had been too lazy to setup a new 8.3 so I just put my Ventures on the 8.5 setup. It felt too large the whole time. I started off slow with a warmup line of ride on grind, boardslide the flatbar, ollie the qp/bank/mound hip, front tail the hip. Next I tried to ollie onto the little manual pad, kickflip, crooks, noseslide the bump to ledge. I’m not sure if I got that one, but I got all the tricks. Front 50s on the ledge were hard. The big board is heavy and the extra wheelbase makes it harder. I took a long time to get a halfcab noseslide. I’m not sure what’s up with that. I seem to have almost totally lost that basic easy trick. Then I got kinda motivated to try and selfie film a couple “harder” clips. The first was supposed to be b/s flip the hip. Except that I never got it. I literally tried 55 of them. A solid hour of trying. Only got my feet on like 3 of them. And I really don’t know why. After that I was too bummed to try anything else “harder”. I posed some halfcab heel noseslides. One of which flipped and locked in perfectly, but only with the front foot on. I ended with a line of manual the pyramid, axle stall, noseslide pyramid ledge. It was harder than it sounds since the qp is so weird I kept shooting out on the axle stall.

(setup 8.5 null perception deck, jessup ultragrip, venture 5.8 cast baseplate titanium hanger no big washer, bones stf 103a v1 52mm, new balance numeric 212 salmon size 12 with nike sb zoom air insoles)
(pain level 3/10 felt really good but sore from skating more lately)