skate journal: dog park morning with rob, kevin, eric (may 29, 2021)

Posted in Skate Journal on May 30th, 2021 by corpo

On a nice morning I met up with Rob and Kevin at dog park. Eric would come later. Miles and a friend were there, but the park was mostly empty. I had a new deck, 8.38 Jack. My goal is to stick with 8.3 for a long time. I started really slow. In fact I didn’t really do anything noteworthy. I finally got a good feeling halfcab noseslide. A new trick on the little guy – switch front 180 5050 nollie shove out. Sounds cool, but I’m glad there is no footage of it. Kevin had some odd slams, but still rattled off tons of trick. Nollie nosegrind, back 180 fakie 50 fakie ollie out, nollie 5-0s, back smiths, a lot. Rob had some hits like no comply boardslide, manuals, back 50 no comply out, boardslide the tall bench. Eric had some good tailslides, 5-0s although seemed to struggle with heelflips which is ultra rare. Kevin and I played a couple game of SKATE to end the day. We played two because the first one ended too quickly when I did double or nothing on halfcab flip and missed even though I landed on both. He also got me with the nollie and switch flips obviously. I forget what the last trick was. Second game featured me not landing much of anything again except for a treflip which made me feel okay. Kevin finished me with a switch b/s flip.

(setup 8.38 null jack night skate, jessup ultragrip, venture 5.8 cast plate titanium hanger no big washer, bones 52mm stf v1, new balance numeric salmon 212 size 12 with nike sb zoom air insoles)
(pain level 3/10 felt good but the shoes have gotten too thin)