skate journal: boulder park after work with dave (june 11, 2021)

Worked super early so was able to leave work and be to Scott Carpenter by 3:30 to meet Dave for his “only 30 minutes” to skate. The park wasn’t too crowded, but the blond kid standing on the hip counts as 5 because he goes nonstop. Dave was mostly on the steep qp at the start. I saw a first try boardslide to fakie down it, then back 50 down it, then feeble, front smith up it, geez dude. Nollie back 180s the hip, nose manny the bump to pad, front 50 and front 50 back 180 the bank to ledge. Total shredding. I skated alright, it’s weird trying to figure out a new warm up routine at a new park. I took way too long to get a bs flip over the hip, some noseslides across the bank to ledge, had a fun long back 50 on the new qp, got some basic backside stalls on the parking block qp, posed a few nollie tres across the hip that felt doable, crooks the bench and had a really fun line to end it of crooks across the bank to ledge followed by 5-0 the bench. Dave had left, but well past his “30 minutes to skate” window. The new stuff is really fun. I was happy with how easily I was popping onto the bench, but unhappy with how little I was landing on it. It’s been weird lately my pop is better but I can’t seem to lock into grinds well. Maybe it’s because my trucks are so worn down, I don’t know.

(setup 8.38 null jack night skate, jessup ultragrip, venture 5.8 cast plate titanium hanger, ace low barrel bushing and venom 91a small bushing, 52mm spitfire 99a f4 classic shape, new balance numeric b/w/blue 212 size 12 with nike sb zoom air insoles)
(pain level 3/10)