skate journal: leadville park, boulder and dog park with fremonsters and more (july 10, 2021)

After a better night of sleep and breaking down the campsite in BV we got to Leadville around 11.  We had discussed a 70 minute timer which seems impossible with this crew, but we managed to only go 20 minutes over.  It was a really fun session though and there weren’t many people there.  Except for the wannabe Blood Wizard dudes who ripped, but were jerks.  I’ll start with the person who landed the least amount of tricks.  Me.  I came close to a noseslide 270 shove, did some noseslides, putzed around even though I was having fun.  Ollie did some cool stuff.  The ollie up to almost side rock to grind and the ride over to manual were sick and tricks that he thought of on his own.  Richard destroyed.  Did kickflips and b/s flips up and down the euro, then battled nollie big heel up the euro before stomping it perfectly then battled kickflip back nosegrind on the bump to ledge until he also stomped it perfectly.  Matt put down a super good nollie varial heel up the euro and did some manuals on the little two level thing in the corner with Dan.  Eric did a sick blunt stall 360 transfer.  Joe lined out front shove up the euro with front 50 and front 50 180 down the hubba.  Gnar.  I know I’m missing a lot.  The park was fun.  

After a long drive, food, 303, we ended up at a crowded Boulder park.  So many people had joined (Jack, Kevin, Fuller, Skelly, Rob, Neil) or left (Ollie, Richard) that I have zero chance of remembering this.  I was pretty blown away by Rob not shying away from the crowds, kickflipping the hip and bump to tailslide.  Neil took a long time to get going, but man he got it going.  Kickflip the hip, nose manuals, pop shove up the euro, crooks shove, sometimes all of those in one line.  Fuller feebled the parking block qp, nose manuals, front 50 back 180.  Skelly got good pop over the hips, back 50 the qp to ollie down onto the bench.  Kevin front 5-0 over the bench to back lip the parking block qp.  Dan front 50 heelflip out BOLTS!  Joe and I did doubles down the hubba as once again all I really did was noseslides.  Oh and I hucked bigflips over the hip which did seem possible and I committed to a couple. They just didn’t work out. Joe would 5-0 down the hubba too, back 50 around the bench corner, front shove the hip.  Matt back nosegrind the bump to legde, crooks nollie heelflip out!!!  Jack back 360 flip the weird old hip, close to 360 flip noseblunt.  

After a dip in the creek we went to dog park.  I was so dead at that point.  I tried to get it going, but had nothing and when my bearing blew out I took that as an excuse to sit and get bit my mosquitos.  The Nebraskans were hyped and immediately going in on it.  Eric boardslid Full Metal jacket and slammed on a parking block.  His knee was huge.  Joe brought the energy as always.  Front 50 shove the tall bench!  Also fakie 50s, boardslides and a funny slam in the grass to end it.  Dan did backside willy back 180 out, fakie nosegrinds, cancel flips and no comply pole jam.  Matt nollie crooks, boardslide the tall flatbar.  Skelly one foot manual.  Neil had a casual line of 180 wallie world, cab the manhole, halfcab board the little flat bar, bluntslide the parking block, nollie lip the little flat bar.  Then the trip was done.  I was exhausted and happy to not have to skate the next day.  But also sad and bummed on friends going home and returning to our normal lives.  

(setup 8.25 null spanbauer pro deck, jessup ultragrip, venture 5.6 cast baseplate with riptides v-hollow hanger, 3 washers inside each axle, venom 88a big bushing 91a small bushing, spitfire f4 99a 50mm classic shape, es swift b/w size 11.5 no insoles)
(pain level 4/10)