skate journal: brief dog park before rain (july 14, 2021)

After work and a couple errands I arrived to doh park. It was cloudy with rain threatening and there was a grip of kids there. I had changed my setup again- 8.5.  It felt amazing.   I mean flip tricks didn’t, but I skated the ledges better than I have in months.   I started some lines along the lower ledges.   50s and 5-0s were coming so easy.  Almost got nose manual.  Then along the regular section wallie, front 50.  Crooks then front 50 180.  Noseslide fakie then halfcab noseslide.  Switch front nose to forward then nollie front tail.  The rain had started and the lake was super slippery so I didn’t really try many flippers.  I skated hard, had fun. Would have liked to skate more but the rain settled in. 

(setup 8.5 null smoke valley, jessup pj ultragrip, venture 5.8 cast baseplate titanium hanger, venom 88a big 91a small bushings, 53 mm orange/yellow swirl spitfire 99a f4 classic shape, es swift 1.5 b/w size 11.5 no insoles)
(pain level 2/10 just slight hip flexor pain)