skate journal: loveland park and some foco street posing (july 25, 2021)

.. so I put my 8.5 deck back on. (from the last entry)

Running late I arrived to Loveland park where Bryan, Bo and Riley were already skating. There was hardly anyone there and it would stay that way until we were too tired. Riley mostly skated the outside of the park doing fast 5-0s and other tricks. Man it rules seeing him skate. Bo popped over a bunch of rails, gaps, everything, solid treflip over the hip. Bryan had some nice fakie cab bigspins on the bank. I had a noseslide to fakie, a couple crooks on the ledge and a lot of nothing. Bryan and I eventually played a game of SKATE. This would end up taking us forever. Not because we landed a lot of tricks, but because we could not land tricks. We did get to SKAT-SKAT. He got me with nollie heel, creepy spin, nollie bigspin, something else. I had gotten him with fakie flip, heelflip, and a couple more. I went on to win with halfcab flip. Neither of us were hyped on how bad we skated.

After that I went to FOCO and eventually we ended up at a weird hexagon ledge/manny pad spot. I was soooo sore at this point. I tried one slappy crook and realized I could not skate. I still managed to muster a really bad noseslide to fakie followed by a switch front nose. Hayden casually did some greatness. Even his gram line of bluntslide then 180 nose manual was great. The noseblunt then 180 fakie man 180 was ultra hot. Noe and his friend joined us. Noe did like an 8 trick flatground line that was mind blowing to me. He would go on to struggle with a line, but was victorious with nose manuals 360 shoves both ways and a couple casual flippers after. His friend Jarrad did some rad back tails, 180 nosegrind and switch heel. Yee showed up randomly walking his dog. It was super rad seeing him. He would go on to get his board and skate about the time everyone had gotten their clips. But him and Bo skated and it was cool. Bo went right in to trying back lip then manual shove. Adam was doing a bunch of tricks and still had some causal good pop. I left incredibly sore, tired and depressed about my skating.

(setup 8.5 null smoke valley, jessup pj ultragrip, venture 5.8 cast baseplate titanium hanger, venom 88a big 91a small bushings, 52mm bones stf 103a v1, es swift 1.5 b/w size 11.5 no insoles)
(pain level 6/10)