skate journal: early dog park with dave and rob (aug 6, 2021)

Met up with Rob and then eventually Dave at dog park. We had the briefest of warmups before Skelly invited us over to look at the new park. So we chatted with him and Emi and Andrew awhile before getting back to skating. Long hair Jake was there too, he’s rad. I tried to get through my achilles pain and did an alright job at ignoring it, but it was bad on a couple kickflip landings. I really don’t remember much about this session and it’s too many days since the session. I did get the switch front nose then fakie 50 line again. Also the boardslide, crooks, bad treflip line. Rob hadn’t skated in a bit, but after a warm up was shredding like normal. Dave was in charge mode as always. Almost got a line of front 50 then nosegrind to end it. Sorry I don’t remember more.

(setup null spanbauer night skate deck 8.3, jessup ultragrip, venture 5.8 cast baseplate titanium hanger, venom 88/91a bushings, spitfire 50mm 99a f4 classic shape, es swift 1.5 cream size 12 stock insoles)
(pain level 5/10 achilles)