skate journal: short loveland park with marcus, bryan and riley (aug 8, 2021)

Completely exhausted with a super sore achilles I stubbornly met Bryan and Marcus at the Loveland park around 9am. The park was mostly empty except for us save a few scooter kids who weren’t too annoying. I felt real bad out of the gates and didn’t really do much of anything except a couple noseslides and nollie shoves. It was cool seeing Marcus again. He came close to some kickflips, snapped some ollies and cruised around. We tried some switch flips too, he was closer. Bryan did his fakie bigspin on the bank and on the bank to ledge. Oh yeah, I tried nollie tre to fakie on the bank for awhile and got remotely close. Bryan tried front big heel and got close too. Marcus left. Bryan and I played a game of SKATE. It was another slow one. I think I won it, but I know it was close and neither of us landed a whole lot. My achilles pain had really settled in and so I was about to leave after chatting with Bryan when Riley showed up. So we watched him for awhile which is always a treat. The fakie nosebluntslide was so good.

(setup null spanbauer night skate deck 8.3, jessup ultragrip, venture 5.8 cast baseplate titanium hanger venture bushings no big washer, spitfire 52mm 99a f4 classic shape, es swift 1.5 cream size 12 footprint 3mm insoles)
(pain level 7/10 achilles)