skate journal: ultra brief dog park then campus achilles pain with seattle will (aug 11, 2021)

Was stoked to pick up Will since it’s been over a year since I’ve seen him. We went to dog park and said hi to the crew and checked out the progress. It was very exciting. Most of the park was covered in debris from the construction so after a brief warm up Will and I played a game of SKATE. I had been wearing NB 440s this time trying to prevent achilles pain. They may have been doing that, but they are the most uncomfortable shoe ever and I didn’t land anything. Literally 0-10 on kickflips and was out of the game basically after 5 tricks. Then we went to campus. We started at the mellow stadium bank and my achilles was not doing well. I wore my 212s here and they didn’t help me. I was trying to get Will’s back on a kickflip to fakie when shooting pain went through my achilles. I was done, toast, scared. But I did film Will do a nice nollie heel fakie then bomb the hill with him to the bank to curb. Then I just filmed him do some back tails and we walked back to the car. So bummed on being hurt, but looking forward to a break and coming back stronger.

(setup null spanbauer night skate deck 8.3, jessup ultragrip, venture 5.8 cast baseplate titanium hanger venture bushings no big washer, spitfire 52mm 99a f4 classic shape, NB 440/212s)
(pain level 10/10 achilles)